Best time to visit Boracay — weather, seasons and our experience

White Beach Boracay

Boracay Island is a literal paradise — the blindingly white sand, clear turquoise waters, palm trees that give you just the right amount of shade… Ah, the dream! Once you’re here, you’ll want to spend all your life strolling along the beach and tanning by the pool with a book in hand. But is the island this perfect all the time? What is the best time to visit Boracay?

While it’s true that Boracay has a tropical climate all year round, with high temperatures and humidity (like most of the other areas of South East Asia), it has two distinct seasons: one sunny and dry, and another (relatively) gloomy and wet.

We made sure to do extensive research before our trip to Boracay, picked the perfect time for our vacation, and now we’re ready to share our findings with you all! Without further ado, let’s get into it!

Article contents

  1. Monthly weather in Boracay
  2. Dry season in Boracay (November — April)
  3. Wet season in Boracay (May — October)
    When not to go to Boracay?
  4. Where to stay on Boracay Island
  5. More things to know before traveling to Boracay
  6. Best month to visit Boracay

Monthly weather in Boracay

Check the table below to explore Thailand’s weather seasons on different resorts and islands (remember the weather might be unpredictable here).

Average day temperature Water temperature Rainy days High winds Sunniest months
January 28.0°C / 82.4°F 27°C 7
February 28.2°C / 82.7°F 26.7°C 4
March 29.4°C / 84.9°F 27.2°C 5
April 30.8°C / 87.4°F 28.3°C 2
May 32.3°C / 90.1°F 29.7°C 6
June 31.8°C / 89.2°F 30.0°C 10
July 30.9°C / 87.6°F 29.5°C 13
August 30.9°C / 87.6°F 30.9°C 9
September 30.8°C / 87.4°F 29.0°C 9
October 30.4°C / 86.7°F 29.0°C 9
November 29.7°C / 85.4°F 28.7°C 7
December 29.0°C / 84.2°F 28.0°C 8

The coldest months | The warmest months | Dry season | Wet season

Like we’ve already mentioned, Boracay weather consists of two seasons:

  • The dry season runs from the end of November to the end of April, and is determined by the northeast monsoon called Amihan. The weather during this period is cool (if you call 28°C cool) and mostly dry, with winds making perfect conditions for water activities that majorly depend on waves.
  • The wet season runs from May to late October, and is determined by the southwest monsoon called Habagat. The weather during this season is a lot more unpredictable than in dry season, with heavy rains following the periods of extreme heat. The possibility of typhoons is high during wet season, bringing strong winds and overall stormy conditions for a few days at a time.

Let’s take a closer look at these two seasons in Boracay (don’t forget to periodically consult the table of monthly weather above) to figure out what will be the best time for you to visit the island.

Dry season in Boracay — best time to visit the island

White beach and coconut

What is the best time to visit Boracay? Clearly, it’s high season that starts in late November and runs through April. It got its superior position by coincidentally being dry season as well.

Pros of Boracay’s dry season:

  • Dry season in Boracay means tons of sunshine to help you get evenly tanned — just don’t forget to turn once in a while sunbathing on the sand, because the relaxing atmosphere can make you want to nap a little, which is not a smart thing to do.
  • Crystal clear waters and moderate waves — perfect for most of the water activities and exploring the underworld of the nearby reefs (maybe you’ll get to find Nemo). The temperature of the water is also just right for those of us who are a little more “cold-blooded”, with the coldest it can get during dry season being 26.7°C.
  • Nightlife is also booming during this period, with nights so warm you could sleep on the beach (again, not a smart thing to do, remember the high tide).
  • It can rain a little, but mostly for a short period of time in the morning hours, which refreshes the air just a bit. By the time you finish your breakfast and head to the beach, the sand will have fully dried.
Me in Boracay ferra hotel and garden suites 1

Cons of Boracay’s dry season:

  • Algae season in Boracay usually falls on the first quarter of the year, during dry season. It’s the rainy months that decrease this phenomenon. Don’t fret — it’s not that significant-looking like the internet might want you to believe, with the algae blooms being few and far between (again, just swim out a little and the water will be fully transparent). If it still irks you, might we suggest staying at Fairways & Bluewater Boracay. Its private beach sees absolutely zero algae all year round.
  • While sunshine is supposedly a good thing (all that vitamin D intake, phew! serotonin levels are climbing the charts just thinking about it), the chances of you getting burned on Boracay during dry season are incredibly high. Always wear your SPF, and make sure that your head is covered.
  • Get ready to wrangle huge crowds for a coveted beachfront spot — dry season starts off strong with many holidays, so there are plenty of tourists fleeing their cold and gloomy environments for a chance to warm their bones on Boracay.
  • With huge demand comes huge increase in pricing — book your accommodations well in advance, since the cost usually skyrockets in peak season.

It’s impossible to predict exactly how Boracay weather will behave on any given day (hello, it’s the crazy tropics after all!), but based on scientific research and personal experience (our own and others’), here’s an approximate monthly breakdown of dry season in Boracay.


November is a tricky month to pin down in terms of the weather. The first half of it might have some rain (sometimes heavy rain) lingering as a guest from wet season who just wouldn’t leave. The second part of the month is when the sunshine and clear skies come in, but you’re still unsure if it’s for good.

High season is in its early stages during November, so you can get some pretty good deals on accommodation, as well as have more room for yourself on the beach (the crowds still haven’t kicked in yet). As a bonus, wind begins to pick up momentum, so kitesurfing and windsurfing season starts on Boracay.


Boracay in December

December, especially early December, might be the best time to visit Boracay if you don’t do well in extreme heat.

December is one of the coldest months on the island (the other two are January and February), but don’t start packing your cashmere yoga pants and puffers just yet. Cold in Boracay means that the average daily temperature is around 28–29°C and not exceeding 31°C (we see you, May). Overall, December means calm seas, clear skies, less rain; but also bigger crowds and higher prices. Don’t forget about the holidays — the last part of December sees a huge influx of tourists to this paradise on earth (here we kind of agree with Kevin McCallister: “Why do we have to go to Florida? There’s no Christmas trees in Florida.”)

Personally, we spent a wonderful week on the island in the first half of December — peak dry and windy season. The water was super warm (around 28°C), so we could dive headfirst without the usual hesitation. On the downside, the temperature of the water had almost zero cooling effect. There was no rain, but it was really windy. We solved the problem of the wind blowing sand into our eyes by staying mostly on the western part of Boracay (White Beach specifically) and spending less time on the eastern part (Bulabog Beach). We aren’t usually big fans of kitesurfing anyway.

It caught us by surprise that even strong winds didn’t provide the necessary relief from the sweltering heat — due to high humidity, it felt more like steam from the sauna enveloping you from all around. The sun was at its strongest starting as early as 10 a.m., and the beach crowds fully abandoned the coast around lunchtime. After all, you can easily get burned spending just ten minutes in the afternoon sun. The majority of vacationers crowded the beach after 3–4 p.m., when there was less chance to acquire the color of a freshly cooked lobster.


Station 1 Boracay

January is a difficult month if you want to catch a decline in the number of island’s guests.

In the beginning of the month, there are still a lot of people left over from the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations. The end of the month might see the Chinese New Year festivities (there are people all around). If you get tired of people walking all over you on White Beach, make your way to Bulabog Beach and make use of the windy season being in full swing by catching some waves if you know what you’re doing (or taking kitesurfing lessons to learn this new skill). The prices remain high throughout the entire month.


February might just be the best time to visit Boracay because it’s one of the driest months out of the year.

The heat is gaining strength, but being outside is still manageable (even though wind doesn’t do anything in terms of cooling you off, it just makes breathing harder). February is in the middle of peak season, so usually traveling to and from the island might be easier and not as crowded. However, don’t forget about Chinese New Year celebrations that might fall on the new moon in February, thus drawing tons of people to the island.


Station 2 in Boracay

March is an excellent time to visit Boracay if you want to explore the island in and out.

The kitesurfing season is coming closer to the end (sometimes though it can run as far as April), so you can actually try your hand at swimming on Bulabog Beach (the waves are dying down tremendously, with the wind changing direction). The underwater activities are in full swing, with paraw boats taking tourists on diving excursions and island-hopping tours. March is a perfect month to witness sunset on White Beach, with the sun saying goodbye at around 6 p.m. — a great hour to have a romantic picnic!


Puka beach in Boracay

April is a month closing off Boracay’s dry season. It’s one of the sunniest months of the year that also has the least number of rainy days!

The temperatures are continuing to steadily rise, and it can get pretty humid. For some people it is too hot to spend a lot of time outside, so we suggest venturing out onto the beach in the early mornings and late in the afternoons (around 4 p.m.). If you plan on coming to Boracay in April, make it the first week of the month, before Easter crowds come and disturb your peace.

To put it simply, the promise of less rain and more sun makes the island’s dry season the best time to visit Boracay. But all good things come to an end, and May brings the change in the amount of precipitation you can experience while staying on the island.

Wet season in Boracay

bulabog beach

Boracay in wet season isn’t the flooding and pouring mess you might expect from the way people talk about it. As a given, it’s an offseason in Boracay, and it lasts from late May till October.

Of course, the season never changes on the day it’s supposed to (talk about the unpredictable climate in Boracay), so it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it will start raining on any given year.

Pros of Boracay’s wet season:

  • The sun doesn’t stop shining! You can be lucky to have perfect weather throughout your entire trip, apart from a couple of light showers here and there, so don’t give up hope!
  • If it’s not an actual storm, the rain ends pretty quickly — it might actually feel refreshing after being exposed to constant heat.
  • Let’s face it, staying in when it’s raining outside (all the while surrounded by tropical trees), especially with your significant other, can be incredibly romantic. Order room service and listen to the rain drops hitting the roof!
  • Offseason in Boracay means you can get great deals on everything, starting with your accommodation!
  • While Boracay stays popular among tourists throughout the entire year, low season sees less of general crowds, which is perfect if you want to have a more peaceful time on the island.

Cons of Boracay’s wet season:

  • The heat together with humidity greatly limits the amount of physical activity you can do while on dry land — for example, climbing atop Mount Luho might be a bad idea in this period’s hottest months of May through August.
  • Heavy rains during wet season might last for more than a day; plus, tropical storms can frequent the island.
  • Most of the tourists are turned off from the idea of staying in Boracay during wet season because of the looming threat of typhoons. Even though the island is sort of sheltered from the cyclone, it can still get hit by strong winds together with big tides and extreme rainfalls.
  • The weather can get super unpredictable, so you’ll have to always carry an umbrella with you. The added weight to your beach bag might irritate you, but this tool is dual purpose — it can save you from heavy downpour and also from scorching sun!

Let’s look closer into each month of Boracay’s wet season, to determine when the risks are worth it trying to come to the island (even at the discounted price).


Pool in ferra hotel

May is a shoulder month between the two contrasting weather periods in Boracay.

It’s also the hottest month out of the entire year, which may or may not get heavy rainfall to lessen the effects of the heat. It changes year after year — sometimes the majority of the days are sunny and bright, sometimes it’s mostly gloomy (which can be good, at least you don’t burn your feet on the sand).

There is little wind if any. The sea is favorable for swimming, with the water temperature staying around 29.7°C. Is May a good time to visit Boracay? It might be, if you like a good deal on a hotel and don’t mind rolling the weather dice, metaphorically speaking.


June, one of the wettest months in Boracay, is as unpredictable as its predecessor.

It can rain for five days straight, or it can drizzle a little in the morning, leaving you with clear skies throughout the entire day. The good thing is that most of the hotels are almost half-priced, leaving you with enough cash to explore the island and its surroundings. Throughout the month of June, Boracay is not exactly deserted, but definitely not crowded. Stroll along White Beach and take a picture of the sunset (which again, sets at around 6 p.m.) without people in it (what a treat!).


Puka beach 2

July is the ultimate wettest month on the island. After the heavy rain everything can stay damp for long periods of time (we do not recommend you putting your bathing suit to dry out on the terrasse, it will be wetter than before you put it there).

The biggest downside of the unpredictable weather is fewer boat tours and other excursions in general. The high temperature in Boracay during the month of July, paired with record-breaking humidity, makes for an overall unlivable period of the day that you’ll have to spend in an air-conditioned room.


August is a moderately acceptable month to visit Boracay (one of the sunniest, actually), if it wasn’t for the possibility of typhoons hitting the island.

To be fair, it’s not the only month living under this threat, with June, July, and September keeping it a fearful company. Ferry service disruption and flight cancellation are common precaution measures, so keep your finger on the pulse of the situation if you decide to stay in Boracay during this time. Overall, tropical climate shows you the usual heat and stormy weather throughout the entire month.


September in Boracay is the utmost weather gamble. Is it good to go to Boracay in September? Well, we can’t give you a definite answer.

For the most part, it’s a crapshoot — it can rain cats and dogs or it can be drier than the Sahara Desert. The good thing is that there are very few people on the island, the bad thing is that a lot of restaurants and cafes close for a little break before peak season. You’ll have to manage with your hotel’s suggested dinner options or make something yourself. It’s still super hot outside, and the water doesn’t seem to be cooling off, so maybe invest in a portable fan to try and stay somewhat fresh.


Sunset in Boracay

October is among the best months to visit Boracay in 2024, for the reason that it’s a tail end of the wet season (the so-called shoulder season).

Like in May, it’s impossible to predict when the rain will stop and sunshine will prevail, but it is said that the weather has mostly come into its good spirits by the time October ends. You can still experience some rain, and there’s still a lingering risk of a typhoon tangentially hitting the island, but overall choosing October to come to Boracay is really not a bad idea. The crowds have just begun arriving, most facilities are open and getting ready for high season, and some hotels still provide decreased pricing of low season.

Overall, coming to Boracay during wet season is like playing the lottery — you can win big with great sunny weather and just a little bit of rain that lets you have a great time on the island, or you can lose everything by sitting out torrential rainfall in your hotel room for the full duration of your trip.

We wouldn’t recommend choosing Boracay’s offseason for your first vacation on the island, as it might spoil your ultimate impression of this fickle paradise. However, if you are already familiar with the island and know White Beach like the back of your hand, you can play with the odds of Boracay’s climate while saving a buck on accommodation at the same time.

When not to go to Boracay?

The months of July to September, in our opinion, are the least pleasant periods of time to come to Boracay. The heavy rains are prevalent and the temperatures peak at around 31°C (which, together with almost 100% humidity can feel like 40°C), making the majority of daylight hours either the wettest you’ve ever experienced or the hottest environment you’ve ever found yourself in. Most of the tourist facilities are closed during this time, so your authentic experience of Boracay can be quite limited.

  • Of course, like we’ve already mentioned, there’s a chance to strike gold in terms of experiencing a mix of pretty good weather during this period, but don’t make any decisions based on this hope.

Where to stay on Boracay Island?

ferra hotel and garden suites

If it’s your first time on Boracay Island, we recommend not steering too far from White Beach in terms of finding the accommodation for your stay here. After all, the different stations of White Beach have something for every kind of traveler:

  • If you want to enjoy the best stretch of sand and the clearest waters, stay in Station 1 of White Beach. Coincidentally, that’s where you can vacation in style, with a wide range of upscale hotels lining the beachfront.
  • If you want a good mix of relaxation and entertainment, look into accommodations in Station 2. It’s where life happens on Boracay — starting with shopping in D’Mall and eating at uniquely themed restaurants, to partying all night long in the various beach clubs and bars.
  • To save a coin on hotels and get a more down-to-earth experience, head straight to Station 3. It’s the mecca of backpackers and nomads — the most interesting crowd.

Of course, Boracay isn’t just White Beach. To learn about more areas of Boracay and see the extensive list of hotels we feel you’ll enjoy staying at (from hostels to luxury hotels with private beaches), check out our article on Where to Stay in Boracay, Philippines?

More things to know before traveling to Boracay, Philippines

Hotel with the pool in Boracay

After learning about when and where to stay in Boracay, it’s good to figure out some other things you need to know before coming to the island. We’re here to help you navigate through the sea of information, giving you the most important facts about the area.

  • Getting to Boracay can be tricky. The stretch of your trip from Caticlan Airport to the island itself can make you feel like a fish out of water, with the constant changing of transport and different fees you need to pay. To make this part easier for you, we’ve compiled a detailed step-by-step guide for getting to Boracay from Caticlan Airport, with plenty of pictures and even a video to support the information.
  • Where to find the best fruit shake on the island? Can you come here for a couple of hours and leave? Where is the best spot to watch the sunset? We get to answering these and other interesting questions in our article about 15 things to know before your trip to Boracay Island, be sure to check it out before your trip!
  • As for the ultimate list of things to do in Boracay, make sure to read our article on the topic here, in which we give you numerous activities to fill your Boracay itinerary with: from island-hopping and exploring the different beaches to getting a massage and going out into the water in a crystal kayak. Read thoroughly so you can spend your days on Boracay exploring only the best ways of entertainment you could ever hope for!

So, what is the best month to go to Boracay?

Station 1-2-3 in Boracay

Traveling to Boracay is possible all year round due to its warm tropical climate, with a short period of the heightened risk of typhoons (even though they are a seldom occurrence on this partially shielded island). Ultimately, deciding when to go to Boracay is fully connected with what you hope to get out of your trip.

  • Do you want to kitesurf all day every day? Choose the windiest months of December through February.
  • Do you want to get super tanned and warm your bones under the bright sun? Choose the sunniest months of April, May, and August.
  • Do you want to do a lot of outdoor activities without immediately getting heatstroke? Again, choose the “coldest” months of December through February.
  • Do you want to make use of off-peak pricing and lesser crowds? Consider the months of wet season for your stay in Boracay (just know the risks of getting rained in).

Personally, we believe that you should choose some time during high season for your first trip to Boracay. Yes, the prices will be considerably higher than wet season ones, but, in our opinion, you’ll get a better overall experience of the island. The only things you’ll need to remember when booking your trip for some time in dry season is the huge number of holidays that draw crowds to the island.

So, what is the best month to visit Boracay in 2024? It’s a tie between February and March, in our opinion, with February still getting some wave action on Bulabog Beach and March having an overall pleasant temperature of both air and water.

However, we may be biased to include December into the mix, specifically the first part of the month, before all the holiday madness. We spent an unforgettable week on Boracay Island in the beginning of December, with the usual tropical shenanigans of sun working overtime and gleaming sea water being so warm you don’t want to get out!

We hope that we managed to steer you in the right direction of choosing the best time to visit Boracay. If you have any questions about traveling to the island, leave them in the comments below!

One thought on “Best time to visit Boracay — weather, seasons and our experience

  1. Hello, i read your post and thankyou for sharing your knowledge and experience for Borocay.
    Me and my wife are planning a Vacation in January 2025 for 7 days – 8 days & are confused between Palawan ( Coron ) & Borocay. we will be covering Al nido for sure.
    We are not party animals but enjoy nice music and few drinks on the beach but ofcourse nice and pristine beaches (safe too). We dont want to get into city life but explore and relax on exotic beaches.
    I would appreciate if you can kindly guide us and advice which places to stay and for how many days and what all places we can visit.

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